[Bicyclng Blind] Summer Update

Category: Bicyclng Blind

Roles: authenticated user

Recipients: admin [at] bicyclingblind [dot] org, todd [at] synesthete [dot] com, singingskierxc [at] gmail [dot] com, richhunter988 [at] sbcglobal [dot] net, twilight2 [at] kconline [dot] com, rrburzese [at] gmail [dot] com, cjfah [at] hotmail [dot] com, flycwimr [at] yahoo [dot] com, kman2020 [at] sbcglobal [dot] net, cycledad [at] sbcglobal [dot] net, paul [at] claudster [dot] com, liz [dot] jessen [at] gmail [dot] com, reinhard [dot] stebner [at] gmail [dot] com, rich [at] gtgtandems [dot] com, director [at] blindstokersclub [dot] org, wildwoman [at] compuserve [dot] com, scheidi1 [at] gmail [dot] com, ssor [at] twcny [dot] rr [dot] com, nico [at] challengedathletes [dot] org, marcathomas [at] yahoo [dot] com, tammylynn822 [at] gmail [dot] com, dougpeel [at] gmail [dot] com, possiblee [at] gmail [dot] com, matt [at] cdifferent [dot] org, alex [at] mtbtandems [dot] com, Mandyg [at] lakeshore [dot] org, e_a_zys [at] yahoo [dot] ca, jena [at] lakeshore [dot] org, dsuvino [at] nyc [dot] rr [dot] com, keri [dot] schindler [at] gmail [dot] com, kimborowicz [at] sbcglobal [dot] net, arnold [dot] barrett [at] morris [dot] com, nelsonwells [at] teamclermont [dot] com, jeremy [at] gwmicro [dot] com, rbabington [at] ca [dot] rr [dot] com, kmalley [at] hcblind [dot] org, ddurrante [at] gmail [dot] com, louisd [at] hearingoffice [dot] com, jperrin01 [at] aol [dot] com, marsh [at] smashingsuccess [dot] org, tandemist [at] comcast [dot] net, khelfish [at] aol [dot] com, danielsmyers [at] gmail [dot] com, KillerWeeble [at] yahoo [dot] com, steve [at] baskis [dot] com, yoni11 [at] comcast [dot] net, danleann [at] juno [dot] com, closetguys [at] optonline [dot] net, m8yousef [at] wmich [dot] edu, agolis [at] gwtc [dot] net, pannunzio_home [at] sbcglobal [dot] net, dgulick2 [at] hotmail [dot] com, tinacrownover [at] bellsouth [dot] net, mstankiewicz [at] hot [dot] rr [dot] com, nutsntennis [at] aol [dot] com, kmalley [at] gmail [dot] com, afdfog [at] gmail [dot] com, bill32607 [at] gmail [dot] com, johnjosephmorgan [at] gmail [dot] com, ckobermann [at] gmail [dot] com, pratikp1 [at] gmail [dot] com, treid99 [at] gmail [dot] com, deniset [at] cox [dot] net, halsimpson [at] mindspring [dot] com, jacobstruiksma [at] gmail [dot] com, kenndana [at] sbcglobal [dot] net, blaquluc [at] nbed [dot] nb [dot] ca, kca324 [at] aol [dot] com, clarkrachfal [at] aol [dot] com, headspeed [at] hotmail [dot] com, team2024 [at] gmail [dot] com, frank-welte [at] sbcglobal [dot] net, Kathy [dot] Kelley2 [at] va [dot] gov, suebuckley25 [at] comcast [dot] net, mh-Miller6534 [at] escapedemail [dot] com, davebuckman [at] comcast [dot] net, wtr1977 [at] yahoo [dot] com, wander_co [at] yahoo [dot] com, historygirl [at] gmail [dot] com, scott [dot] symon [at] gmail [dot] com, Jessicam [dot] clarke [at] gmail [dot] com, mikehedman [at] yahoo [dot] com, carlfeldca [at] yahoo [dot] com, tenagra [at] sbcglobal [dot] net, angell2 [at] teamangell [dot] com, markheal [at] gmail [dot] com, oralhull [at] teleport [dot] com, drjohnod1 [at] gmail [dot] com, rick41joy [at] msn [dot] com, here2ridehard [at] yahoo [dot] com, efreeberg [at] hotmail [dot] com, jakusku [at] comcast [dot] net, mhighland2 [at] comcast [dot] net, czarnecki17 [at] comcast [dot] net, artists [dot] dv8 [at] gmail [dot] com, ksbazzle [at] comcast [dot] net, summerjohnsonmartyn [at] gmail [dot] com, fatblindguy [at] gmail [dot] com, rlyutes [at] pressenter [dot] com, vanessa [at] disabledsports [dot] net, Cyclstev [at] aol [dot] com, chicagogirl1 [at] ameritech [dot] net, jcfletch [at] aol [dot] com, windshifts [at] gmail [dot] com, grammylolo [at] juno [dot] com, bike_nut2001 [at] yahoo [dot] com, pcrider77 [at] comcast [dot] net, freespirit1 [at] tds [dot] net, shadaye7 [at] gmail [dot] com, bplunk11 [at] comcast [dot] net, patrickmcmanus [at] ymail [dot] com, cortney [at] eml [dot] cc, brookyates [at] gmail [dot] com, jason22rand [at] gmail [dot] com, treeduncan [at] gmail [dot] com, Lod2010 [at] gmail [dot] com, andrewjedg [at] gmail [dot] com, boswald53 [at] gmail [dot] com, markthompson242 [at] gmail [dot] com, leswooldridge [at] comcast [dot] net, lrcasey1 [at] verizon [dot] net, kjm [at] usfamily [dot] net, jeffkent [at] rhi [dot] com, dshepard52 [at] sbcglobal [dot] net, laurishay [at] gmail [dot] com, egrigg [at] bellsouth [dot] net, dave [at] koesterhome [dot] com, angierizz [at] gmail [dot] com, wesoishi [at] aol [dot] com, enumerocribbageboards [at] gmail [dot] com, dawgmawm [at] gmail [dot] com, e [dot] hayden [at] myactv [dot] net, marysefzik [at] hotmail [dot] com, kibbles6969 [at] gmail [dot] com, kthornbury [at] bresnan [dot] net, chrischas0805 [at] charter [dot] net, regenerative [at] earthlink [dot] net, joelford7 [at] gmail [dot] com, marci [dot] smiles [at] gmail [dot] com, foleycolleen [at] hotmail [dot] com, dorcas [dot] conde [at] va [dot] gov, mante6485 [at] email [dot] vccs [dot] edu, bigtymerdsl [at] live [dot] com, dandrewfoster [at] gmail [dot] com, Dennis [at] Tinbergre [dot] com, lmzimmerschied [at] yahoo [dot] com, wolferika [at] att [dot] net, third [at] synesthete [dot] com, mooresbicycleshop [at] yahoo [dot] com, kylepatchen [at] yahoo [dot] com, drdroege [at] hotmail [dot] com, elizabethbstewart [at] att [dot] net, kevingib [at] sbcglobal [dot] net, tornellas [at] msn [dot] com, schubley [at] aol [dot] com, orangefan [at] austin [dot] rr [dot] com, randsmorgan [at] yahoo [dot] com, doughavlin [at] gmail [dot] com, patticake08 [at] gmail [dot] com, jimvorder [at] yahoo [dot] com, blinkydale [at] comcast [dot] net, annettenowakowski [at] att [dot] net, rliekweg [at] aol [dot] com, tcartee [at] cgrproducts [dot] com, justinlucke [at] gmail [dot] com, mrobinson9762 [at] wowway [dot] com, fluteangel1977 [at] gmail [dot] com, smartin494 [at] roadrunner [dot] com, nebulus [at] cableone [dot] net, alangulledge [at] hotmail [dot] com, confused [at] samobile [dot] net, matt [at] thekinglink [dot] com, fifofreak [at] gmail [dot] com, kinia1983 [at] yahoo [dot] com, ahartofsilver [at] gmail [dot] com, tiffdizfan [at] gmail [dot] com, fowlers [at] syix [dot] com, e400clb [at] yahoo [dot] com, henrikjellberg [at] gmail [dot] com, charlieofalbany [at] verizon [dot] net, jjs [at] jjshaffer [dot] net, herekittykat2 [at] gmail [dot] com, pghjohn11 [at] aol [dot] com, mcgalloway [at] bellsouth [dot] net, jessicaw [at] sbcglobal [dot] net, dmgina [at] samobile [dot] net, jerzeegirl1969 [at] gmail [dot] com, brunel [at] itst [dot] ucsb [dot] edu, pberg55555 [at] comcast [dot] net, nefamphetamine [at] gmail [dot] com, unayim [at] gmail [dot] com, RJLeskovec [at] hotmail [dot] com, damekinser [at] gorge [dot] net, crugman [at] sbcglobal [dot] ne, michael [dot] capelle [at] charter [dot] net, valkemadenise [at] aol [dot] com, jaboylan [at] hotmail [dot] com, boday [at] mathematica-mpr [dot] com, nickdama12 [at] gmail [dot] com, brianrmiller88 [at] gmail [dot] com, proverbs1423 [at] mchsi [dot] com, tomtebock [at] comcast [dot] net, wcmerritt [at] gmail [dot] com, wlundstrum [at] insightbb [dot] com, lion [dot] ryan [dot] crilly [at] att [dot] net, lfs40 [at] optonline [dot] net, srstickchick [at] gmail [dot] com, salynnr [at] yahoo [dot] com, deannakay618 [at] yahoo [dot] com, kjames424 [at] gmail [dot] com, cutiepie222008 [at] aol [dot] com, renijackson [at] insightbb [dot] com, bess [dot] sadler [at] gmail [dot] com, tompritch1 [at] hotmail [dot] com, gldecker [at] sssnet [dot] com, katherine [at] guidedog [dot] org, ms [dot] gittens [at] gmail [dot] com, oshp1090 [at] yahoo [dot] com, mugirl1983 [at] yahoo [dot] com, divedeep [at] att [dot] net, brooke-dowdy1983 [at] live [dot] com, ddrescher [at] gmail [dot] com, nick [dot] bike [dot] bull [at] gmail [dot] com, pshepardson [at] windstream [dot] net, Michael [dot] A [dot] Squillace [at] gmail [dot] com, taiablas [at] gmail [dot] com, trish19 [at] cfl [dot] rr [dot] com, madrekib1 [at] gmail [dot] com, bess [at] stanford [dot] edu, teritar [at] gmail [dot] com, Tony [at] lovegren [dot] net, marklanger [at] sbcglobal [dot] net, mlucas [at] usaba [dot] org, sjaukward [at] cox [dot] net, maggieflinn [at] peoplepc [dot] com, emilio [dot] s [dot] hernandez [at] gmail [dot] com, ivonnem99 [at] yahoo [dot] com, heisfam6 [at] verizon [dot] net, dmbrown59 [at] atlanticbb [dot] net, sjconrad88 [at] gmail [dot] com, mary [dot] hiland [at] wowway [dot] com, bj2kiowa [at] gmail [dot] com, m [dot] d [dot] lewis [at] earthlink [dot] net, pland [at] lcf-fl [dot] org, lbebo [at] frontier [dot] com, gigig285 [at] aol [dot] com, fobremski1 [at] cfl [dot] rr [dot] com, test [at] www [dot] com, dan [dot] tevelde [at] comcast [dot] net, teampursuit [at] yahoo [dot] com, Toddbo [at] bellsouth [dot] net, cm [at] metaswitch [dot] com, loveroftheking [at] hotmail [dot] com, bicyclingblind [dot] org [at] box559 [dot] com, mike [at] livefit2win [dot] com, soaringeagle7 [at] comcast [dot] net, slfull [at] roadrunner [dot] com, garymccune [at] hotmail [dot] com, ghoff1966 [at] gmail [dot] com, indytim640 [at] gmail [dot] com, brenner [at] earlebaum [dot] org, crista [at] afb [dot] net, terry [dot] heatlie [at] gmail [dot] com, everettg [at] successfuladaptations [dot] com, mbeckerdc [at] gmail [dot] com, tandemgoddess [at] hotmail [dot] com, kylecoon [at] bellsouth [dot] net, mio528 [at] comcast [dot] net, suebuckley25 [at] gmail [dot] com, bikerecker [at] aol [dot] com, rosewwroesle5 [at] surewest [dot] net, pdqtimetrialer [at] aol [dot] com, seanjohnson [at] abe [dot] midco [dot] net, genaharper [at] sbcglobal [dot] net, bmf7889 [at] oh [dot] rr [dot] com, Lori [at] asmodean [dot] net, danaucke [at] dgckids [dot] org, bjensen [at] hotmail [dot] com, onegun [at] tandemrides [dot] com, davidseidman [at] mac [dot] com, allhiser [at] comcast [dot] net, jbergenser [at] hotmail [dot] com, djsabrandt [at] gmail [dot] com, marymobile [at] hotmail [dot] com, dlmillette [at] friendlycity [dot] net, ed [dot] edwardgfisher [dot] fisher [at] gmail [dot] com, colbymorgan [at] live [dot] com, tandemirli [at] gmail [dot] com, llhsgriffith [at] gmail [dot] com, mal [at] wcoil [dot] com, eric [dot] oyen [at] gmail [dot] com, Shabaray [at] gmail [dot] com, rapouse [at] gmail [dot] com, cemimed [at] gmail [dot] com, cfgolding [at] comcast [dot] net, presley [at] afb [dot] net, larjo1 [at] prodigy [dot] net, jlarsen [at] hal-pc [dot] org, mbamford [at] emqff [dot] org, alvordj [at] lmsd [dot] org, dawnvick [at] ymail [dot] com, lnjlowry [at] carolina [dot] rr [dot] com, rainbow_cadette34 [at] hvc [dot] rr [dot] com, kurtinillinois [at] yahoo [dot] com, thewinns [at] midco [dot] net, william_carrillo12 [at] mindspring [dot] com, marieppacini [at] gmail [dot] com, rdlynch [at] gmail [dot] com, ffinklow [at] gmail [dot] com, smatt02151 [at] yahoo [dot] com, sgiovinazzo [at] rlcb [dot] net, mcornell [at] satx [dot] rr [dot] com, stephanie [dot] kilian [at] va [dot] gov, cheggem [at] gmail [dot] com, jthphoto [at] jameshickey [dot] com, bberryacres [at] hotmail [dot] com, climbrat [at] gmail [dot] com, hphsong [at] gmail [dot] com, rmaccoux [at] earthlink [dot] net, pbrunton [at] gmail [dot] com, rcamp [at] sonic [dot] net, ben [dot] l [dot] holmes [at] navy [dot] mil, bmorris123 [at] sbcglobal [dot] net, john [at] baima [dot] org, shinyhappybikee [at] gmail [dot] com, pickard1115 [at] msn [dot] com, mrbenbolin [at] gmail [dot] com, BrianKoss [at] yahoo [dot] com, tracy_322 [at] hotmail [dot] com, jtaylor486 [at] gmail [dot] com, Dutchman3600 [at] gmail [dot] com, cmc [at] fourwhitefeet [dot] com, dmcknight [at] cmisolutions [dot] com, kristina [dot] l [dot] ament [at] usdoj [dot] gov, jim [dot] sireno [at] gmail [dot] com, Orangevaleglass [at] gmail [dot] com, jcossa [at] bellsouth [dot] net, DrStuarts [at] aol [dot] cxom, paulmstern [at] yahoo [dot] com, mtnchick13 [at] gmail [dot] com, calif5 [at] surewest [dot] net, mcgillb [at] aol [dot] com, tmills03781 [at] yahoo [dot] com, james [at] radrockersradio [dot] com, vgbailey [at] yahoo [dot] com, rfrank [at] socal [dot] rr [dot] com, joerigg [at] gmail [dot] com, davian [dot] robinson92 [at] gmail [dot] com, cfendrick34 [at] gmail [dot] com, catherineshenk [at] comcast [dot] net, billlrigby [at] mac [dot] com, andy [at] stellarfire [dot] net, yesalexa [at] verizon [dot] net, bruccycle [at] yahoo [dot] com, Clay161 [at] juno [dot] com, tinbercm [at] lacitycollege [dot] edu, pinkrose101 [at] att [dot] net, dave13 [at] alum [dot] mit [dot] edu, bsglass [at] comcast [dot] net, j73 [dot] huffman [at] comcast [dot] net, tonylovesbetty [at] yahoo [dot] com, griffithj40 [at] hotmail [dot] com, bob [at] twocranks [dot] com, adam [dot] j [dot] george [at] gmail [dot] com, stephenguerra08 [at] gmail [dot] com, sbaker02 [at] snet [dot] net, david [dot] mclean [at] cox [dot] net, zeldasmom [at] earthlink [dot] net, john [at] thoms [dot] us, crglist406 [at] gmail [dot] com, Michaelfoley [dot] 08 [at] gmail [dot] com, jeremybowles [at] gmail [dot] com, crabbymike42 [at] gmail [dot] com, markjohn1 [at] mac [dot] com, steve [at] trikeshoppe [dot] com, jkedwards2002 [at] hotmail [dot] com, bitania2006 [at] gmail [dot] com, smaas99 [at] yahoo [dot] com, sighkling [at] yahoo [dot] com, nathan [dot] goyette [at] gmail [dot] com, jerryb_lee [at] yahoo [dot] com, daniel [at] 4eyesfund [dot] org, gregcamplin321 [at] mail [dot] com, jimmyphil [at] hotmail [dot] com, jcesmat [at] hotmail [dot] com, aubrey [dot] e [dot] stodghill [at] biola [dot] edu, freakout_jerk [at] yahoo [dot] com, john [dot] d [dot] goodman [at] att [dot] net, AronL [at] surewest [dot] net, martinmccrory [at] gmail [dot] com, vannoppen7 [at] aol [dot] com, kalimadden [at] yahoo [dot] com, johndavid1124 [at] yahoo [dot] com, circusmark [at] hotmail [dot] com, harry2110 [at] gmail [dot] com, john [dot] brady2 [at] virgin [dot] net, paulp [at] mit [dot] edu, mrsummit [at] roadrunner [dot] com, rickm45 [at] gmail [dot] com, dave [dot] serisky [at] gmail [dot] com, exsightedaboutskiing [at] hotmail [dot] com, rrayas2 [at] roadrunner [dot] com, ben [dot] montoya88 [at] gmail [dot] com, bemo21250 [at] email2 [dot] lacitycollege [dot] edu, jeannieleemartin [at] comcast [dot] net, kapa3960 [at] verizon [dot] net

Like watching movies and reading books? Check out our new link listing
recommended books and movies.
http://bicyclingblind.org/links/recommended-books-and-movies Send us your

Did you finish your cycling profile? If your profile is not complete, you
won’t appear in a search, no one knows you want to ride. Sighted users
check by going to the User Locations link. If you don’t appear on the USA
map, then your profile wasn’t finished. Stokers check by logging in and
making sure you typed in your zip code and answered all the questions.

Searching for a stoker or a captain? Sighted users go to the User Locations
link to find stokers. To find a Captain go to the Stoker’s Hub link and
click on find a captain. Type in your zip code and the distance range for
your search and click Apply. A list of captain’s profiles will show up.
Then, with a few clicks, you can learn the city and state where the
captains reside. First, open a user’s profile, move to the Location
section and click on the link Google Maps. At the top of the new page it
says, “Screen reader users: click here for plain HTML”. That should
give you the city and state.

Want a bicyclingblind.org sign for your bike? They are $5, which includes
postage. See our blog for a photo.

Has our website worked for you? If you’ve connected, or been inspired by
our blog, or learned more about blind tandem cycling, please add your
testimonial. Click here http://bicyclingblind.org/testimonials

Can you contribute? If you’ve benefitted from our website, pleaseconsider
making a monetary contribution. Thank you.

Enjoy your summer and thank you for sharing the ride!